So lately Tye has been wearing a quick and easy Faux Hawk and Faux Hawks with Braids with the braids.. and i must say i love this style...
But for this week we went a little different and did ponytails. I was going to braid it because he asked to wear some beads but i didn't have the energy so this is what we came up with. It's kinda like a large box braid but only a ponytail

But for this week we went a little different and did ponytails. I was going to braid it because he asked to wear some beads but i didn't have the energy so this is what we came up with. It's kinda like a large box braid but only a ponytail

In this style i was able to see just how much his hair has grown in the past year since he cut it, and it lasted all week.

If you are wondering what type of beads he has they are basket balls, awesome right...Remember the post i did on my little sister, you can check out her basketball beads style here. WHO says little girls get to have all the fun with the hair accessories... we're pushing the mold. and these beads are awesome for little boys, we have several different sports

Even with the Ponytails and Beads he still looks like a little boy, at least to me.

And as you all know i love doing styles that can work for boys and girls infants etc, so here's the girl version

for my shadow's hair I used Colored Rubber Bands, and tied the ends off with rubber bands. Which makes the style so versatile. I can put barrettes, ballies and bows and change it up every couple of day.
But i would advise to watch young children as they can choke on the small parts

Got to love the shrinkage right
looking for more beaded styles you can check Here
to See more Girl and infant styles on my Shadow you ca go here
looking for more beaded styles you can check Here
to See more Girl and infant styles on my Shadow you ca go here
Tye's hair is looking good and those basketball beads are so cute on him!
ReplyDeleteThanks, we're going to miss you sooo much i pray that you are safe your whole trip and tghat the daycare ppl keeps baby o's hair fly and following witht he way you do it :o)