So if you haven't heard Kandyland Kurls is having a 3 month Protective Style Challenge, and i thought i join in with some of my little Kiddies, But only Tye and I or Officially in it.
So this style is a Braid and Twisty Faux Hawk Combo, that i did on my Shadow, its perfect for little girls big girls and if you have a infant baby girl with enough hair this would work for them too

I started off with talking out her old ponytail style you can see it here

after taking her hair done I parted it into 5 sections and braided each of the 4 sections towards the middle part and twisted the ends

for the top sections I teased her Hair to give it some Umph and added a rubber band, its also called a pompadour But be careful if you decided to do it, because it can cause major tangles, if done too much or not properly.

and twisted the hair where the rubberband started

a close up of the front

the way i parted,

I love the shrinkage of the hair

I tried getting a picture of her hair and all the kiddies and to join in :o)

and Tye is infamous for jumping in pictures....
How this post helps, stay tuned for the boy version of it, coming up next

I hope this style last at least a week and a half, the ponytails lasted 2 weeks so we'll see
and as always if you're not doing the challenge it is easy to customize the hair style with beads barrettes bows and any other hair accessories
and as always if you're not doing the challenge it is easy to customize the hair style with beads barrettes bows and any other hair accessories
cool article. that article is awesome. thanks