Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hair Accessory Spot Light ... Large Star Ballie, Knocker

Looking for something different for you Natural Curl, Wavey, Nappy Kinky, Straight as a Stick, Cotten candy haired little girl, and all of the different words in between to describe her hair? Well the large Star Ballies are perfect, and different and will add some pop to her hair  wardrobe. best part, is they are affordable so you can get 2 even more.

Stay tuned for more goodies,

and a special thanks to our little model Arriana Zoe, isn't she just adorable...!!!
This quick and easy, infant toddler style can be also be done on other children as well, and features, are plain small ballies and snap flowers perfect for keeping on beads at the end of a braid


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