So this is an old post i did on cafemom, I just copied and pasted
So I hope this post helps you to part your child's naturally curlyy kinky hair, oh and also to do shaped ponytails too
So I hope this post helps you to part your child's naturally curlyy kinky hair, oh and also to do shaped ponytails too
so I had my little cousin,be a test dummy for me....
poor kid he had to sit ... as you guys can see his hair is not very long

this is just to show you the parts, a straight one kinda, note his hair is tightly curled...

a zig zag part or lighting bolt, call it what u want.. and as I part I put hair in ponytails loosely to keep my parts nice

these are box ponytails secured with a rubberband at base, depending on how u do the could it be diamonds

triangles, parts

box ponytails all over the staple of a good hairstyle.... with the length of your child's hair could last a week r 2 depending on texture, just twist. braid r pull back into on ponytail for longer hair,curl around your finger to create spiral curls 4 wavy, n leave as is 4 for short "nappy" hair

if his hair was longer these ponytails could be done in so many ways.. 2 pigtails let down, coiled around to make Nubian knots,, add bows n barrettes to make it your own, n different shapes of parts

side view my on sleep in the background

front view
I used a l boy, to show you guys the parts without all the hair in the way n plus his hair is short so maybe moms with babies with little hair can get the idea too.... I have to say thank you to my little cousin for sitting while I parted took pictures and took out ponytails... so let me know if this has helped anybody
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